Thursday, May 28, 2009

Talking about change…

We live in a word that is continuously changing, every minute, second, millisecond is different, everything changes. Nothing is what it was and is not what it will be.
Then, why are we so obstinate on living our life against this Universal law?
Just for a few days… pay attention to the road that you pass through every day on your way to the office. If you pay attention, really looking, with awareness to everything you see, you will notice that nothing is the same, that everything changes. But you did not notice it before because you use to pass thorough blind to what the universe in a very humble way was trying to show you.All we have to do is to pay attention, looking with all our senses, looking with our soul and then remember that everything changes, even we are changing although we may not do it consciously. The impact of the change is upon us and our level of awareness. Only you can make the difference!
Even the tree in your garden or the street is constantly changing, regenerating, experimenting, and quietly having fun, without any noise, because all this is part of its natural process. It has not been educated to be afraid of the changes and/or the differences. This tree is in harmony with itself, it has not pass and nor future, it only has “the present moment” and that moment is what is living to the fullest. It does not stops giving birth to a new branch because a few days before someone have ripped it away… The tree is not afraid of continuing growing and does not limit itself to the possibility that it can be ripped again.The tree has no sense of time, because time does not exist, it dedicates its life to re-creating itself constantly as this was the very last thing it was doing, without a conditional past or a probable future. It simple “is”.
Be adventures, live your life like the tree, create yourself your way, without fears, without frontiers, without sorrows. Live every moment as it was the very last.
© 2009 Gabriela Abalo Author

Hablando de cambios....

Vivimos en un mundo que cambia constantemente, cada minuto, segundo, milisegundo es diferente, toda cambia, nada es lo que era ni es lo que será. ¿Entonces porque nos empecinamos en querer vivir en contra de esta ley universal?
Presta atención por unos días al camino que haces de tu casa a la oficina. Si miras con atención, realmente mirando, tomando consciencia de todo lo que ves, notaras que nada es igual todo cambia. Pero tú no lo notabas ya que recorrías todos los días el mismo camino sin realmente prestar atención, haciendo oídos sordos a lo que el universo humildemente te estaba mostrando.
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es mirar con atención, mirar con todos nuestros sentidos, mirar con el alma y entonces recordar que todo cambia, incluso nosotros cambiamos aunque lo hagamos de forma inconsciente. El cambio depende de nosotros, depende de cuan consciente estemos cuando estamos mirando. Solo tú puedes hacer la diferencia…
Hasta la planta que tienes en el balcón de tu casa cambia constantemente, se regenera, experimenta, se divierte, calladamente sin hacer ruido, porque es parte de su proceso natural. No ha sido “educada” para tenerle miedo a los cambios, a las diferencias.
Esa planta está en armonía consigo misma, no tiene pasado, no tiene futuro, tiene un ahora, y ese ahora es lo que vive. No deja de crear una nueva hoja, porque hace tres días atrás le arrancaron una hoja. No dice… tengo miedo de crear una nueva hoja… ¿qué pasa si me la vuelven a arrancar?
La planta no tiene tiempo ya que el tiempo no existe, así que se dedica a crearse a cada instante como si fuera el último, sin un pasado condicionante ni un futuro probable. Simplemente “es”.
Aventúrate, vive tu vida como esa planta, créate a tu manera, sin miedos, sin barreras, sin penas. Vive cada momento como si fuera el ultimo.

© 2009 Gabriela Abalo Author

Two unlucky men...

Alfredo is a miserable man, he looks at life with disappointment and bitterness. Life has not been fair to him. Despite all his efforts to progress he is still stuck in square one, economic success is a no go zone for him! All he has got is his lovely wife and their four children, but he has failed them, he has no money to make their life easier. He really envies Tomas for his successful life
Tomas is a sad and lonely man, he is very rich, has travelled the word and has 3 beautiful houses in 2 different countries, but he has none to share it with. People only see in him his wealth and not Tomas the person. He can’t trust people and does not know who his friends are. He really envies Alfredo’s beautiful family!
Both are unhappy, wishing for what they don’t have and blaming life for their luck, unaware that life is what they make of it!
© 2009 Gabriela Abalo Author

Friday, May 22, 2009

A question of choice

“Everything happens for a reason” That is a big truth! Everything, absolutely everything that occurs to us has an opportunity to grow. The choice is ours, with our response to it we choose the end result. We can choose to feel sorry for ourselves, behave with resentment and anger as a way of protecting ourselves from the injustices of the moment. We get annoyed with God, with the world, with our neighbor and with anything that cross our path. We ask ourselves a million times: Why me? Why am I so miserable?... this attitude affects our capacity to see the hidden truth, the unseen message, the lesson to be learnt, filling our spirit with bitterness. We are not able to see life with happiness, with passion, instead we see it as a battle to be fought continuously, with no rest. Therefore we truly believe on the myth that says that “happiness is only for the very few” and we are not one of the lucky ones! So we put down our heads with resignation, we put down our arms as a sign of sad acceptance and we continue through life afraid of dreaming or wishing upon a star.. because “dreams” are myths and they only bring resentment to our life… after all we need to be practical!!

But we can also look at the situation (problem) from the distance and ask ourselves: Why is this happening to me? And then respond to it guided by love and gratitude to the Universe for the opportunity being given. An opportunity that allows us to freely choose who we want to be, that allow us to create ourselves as we wish. An opportunity that test our ego, that eliminates our expectations and that allows us to accept things for what they are and therefore gaining from them.

To be aware that I’m my master and therefore fully responsible for everything that happens to me is all what is needed to reach the happiness usually considered unreachable!

Lets live every minute following our heart desires, creating ourselves continuously, without fears, without expectations, by simply allowing ourselves to “be” and embracing the rest for what “is”. When we are able to accept ourselves for who we really are we are then also able to accept others for who they really are instead of rejecting them because they are not as we expected.

When we embrace the freedom of “being” who we really want to be, we cannot fail to be happy. After all what can go wrong when we are the ones dictating the end result?

© 2009 Gabriela Abalo Author

Todo es cuestión de …….

“Todo pasa por una razón” ¡qué verdad más grande! Todo, absolutamente todo lo que nos sucede contiene una oportunidad de crecimiento. La elección es nuestra, nosotros elegimos con nuestra respuesta a la situación el resultado final. Podemos elegir sentir pena por nosotros mismos, actuar con resentimiento y bronca a modo de defensa ante la injusticia de la que somos víctimas en ese momento. Nos enojamos con Dios, con el mundo, con el vecino y con todo el que se nos pone adelante. Nos preguntamos un millón de veces ¿Por qué a mi? ¿Por qué naci tan desgraciado? Esta actitud nos ofusca la capacidad de ver la verdad oculta, el mensaje encubierto, la lección a aprender y nos amarga el espíritu. Ya no vemos la vida con alegría con pasión, ahora la vemos como una batalla que hay que pelear a cada rato, sin descanso. Entonces creemos a pies juntillas en el mito de que “la felicidad es para unos pocos” y que le ha tocado a otros. Así que bajamos la cabeza con resignación, bajamos los brazos en señal de derrota y marchamos por la vida sin atrevernos a soñar.. porque los sueños son mitos y solo nos amargan la vida, después de todo hay que ser realistas!
Pero también podemos mirar a la situación (problema) desde la distancia y preguntarnos ¿Por qué me está pasando esto? y luego actuar guiados por el amor y gratitud hacia el universo por la oportunidad brindada. Una oportunidad que me permite actuar a mi libre albedrio, que me permite decidir quién soy, que me deja crearme a mi antojo. Una oportunidad que pone a prueba mi ego, que elimina mis expectativas y que me permite aceptar lo que es por lo que es y enriquecerme con ello. El saber que soy mi maestro y señor y por lo tanto responsable de todo (absolutamente todo) lo que me pasa es todo lo que se necesita para alcanzar la felicidad que consideramos inalcanzable.
Vivamos cada minuto siguiendo los dictados de nuestros corazón, creándonos a cada paso, sin miedos, sin expectativas, simplemente siendo y aceptando lo que es por lo que es. Aceptémonos por quien realmente somos, solo entonces seremos capaces de aceptar al resto por quienes son en vez de rechazarlos porque no son lo que nosotros queremos que sean.
Si aplicamos esta libertad del “ser” no podemos fallar en ser felices ¿después de todo que puede salir mal cuando somos nosotros los que dictamos el resultado final?

© 2009 Gabriela Abalo Author